When our client, Weekly Reader, showed the Wild About Reading website to their client, Six Flags, the first comment we got back was “The site looks amazing.”
“Amazing” – that’s pretty good.
The companion website to the Six Flags Read to Succeed program (also produced by Artgig), Wild About Reading is designed to get kids excited about reading and writing while providing valuable resources to teachers and parents.
We were paired with Illustrator Sam Ward (samwardart.com) for this project and his style and natural artistic pop is really a perfect fit for the “wild” jungle theme. Add a dash (okay, more than a dash) of Artgig animation and you’ve got a website that practically leaps off the screen.
Lis took the reigns as the lead designer and animator for this project and she came up with the dynamic site navigation – why not make it like a ride?
So we did.
As the user navigates, they “ride” the vertically constructed Flash site up and down.
So the site looks cool, it’s got an inventive navigation and valuable resources. What else, you say?
The website focal point is the Theater in the Wild, featuring three original animated shorts–each in a different style:
Captain Tallnuff – Little Jenny wants to ride the Log Flume at the theme park but she’s not tall enough – as seen through the eyes of the height inspector, a wooden Pirate named Captain Tallnuff.
Incredible Critters – A game show in search of the most amazing animals.
Out of the Box – Cleaning the garage turns into a mysterious adventure for 12-year-old Max.
Artgig did everything for the shorts - complete design, animation and sound production.
The animations are designed to get kids thinking about writing and prompt them to write more about the stories.
Go ahead–check it out. Be wild: